Saturday, February 26, 2011

JYJ Fanpage on Facebook

I made several friends on this JYJ fan page on Facebook. They really love TVXQ and are now solid JYJ fans. Now, I don't visit Facebook as much so I'm not really up-to-date with the page activities but whenever I need new info on JYJ I know exactly where to go.

A lot of JYJ fans have tons of opinions about the articles posted there, and it just shows that JYJ have plenty of fans around the world. I mean, they are known all over the globe. They probably have no idea how many international fans they have.

When JYJ first went public, fans on that page helped them trend on twitter. The members used to be more than 20,000 and growing, but unfortunately the admin's account had a problem and it was dissolved. Now, the fan page is starting from scratch and hopefully those who joined will be able to find it. There are now several fan page imitators and I think most of the old members aren't aware of the incident.

Here's the link if you have a Facebook profile : JYJ (Junsu Jaejung Yuchun)


I'm Following Jung Gun Young on Twitter

To be honest, I don't know who Jung Gun Young is. According to his twitter profile, under the username "zerotic0124", he's a choreographer/dancer. Now if you know me well enough, those two words are enough to get me interested. So I followed him.

Now, being non-Korean, I can't understand his tweets, but I use the internet to translate them (unsuccessfully though, 'coz Korean language are not constructed similarly to English). He's basically just an ordinary guy, who seems interesting enough for me to follow.

There was even one time that I tried to Google him. There was only one accurate result and it was an outdated blog. There are no YouTube videos of him so I don't really know how good he dances. After midnight he tweets sometimes and somehow I'd like to think that he understands my replies. I'll continue to follow him on twitter, and hopefully there would be more information about him on the web that's in English.



Lady, Do Your Freakin' Job

One Thursday morning, my friend, Novavi and I went back to our old college to inquire about what we needed to do to shift to another major. Both of us, having just resigned from a customer service job were pretty much optimistic going back there. We really missed school and studying.

Somehow our day didn't turn out so great. We were in the registrar, where we were supposed to get all the information we needed, when this lady who was supposed to be the one who "knows" about our case ruined our entire day. Aside from being told to go back and forth to different offices, she wasn't at all helpful. She was a real bitch and she had no problem showing it.

Just because we were students doesn't mean she could treat us like crap. Those kind of two-faced phonies are so nice when they're facing parents or someone older, but when they're dealing with students they're real scums. I hate going to the admins just to ask for information, they don't know how to do their jobs right. I mean, FYI, that's what you get paid for. I'm still pissed after that day. When enrollment week comes and I have to deal with her crap again, I would tell her to f*** off.

Monday, February 21, 2011

When Things Don't Go As Planned

It's been over a month since I started writing seriously again. I've learned many things with research and tried applying them as I go along with finishing my novel. I discovered that having a plan really helps avoid writer's block, but what happens when you stray from the original plan?

Having an outline can be a lifesaver for some writers and it helped me keep track of the story as I type away. However, I do admit that I'm the kind of writer who doesn't follow the outline all the time. There are times when a better idea presents itself to me when I'm writing based from the outline. So I write the scenes which I see as more fit, but then there are also times when I stray away from my plan and get stuck in the end.

So how do I move forward from that? If you've been self-studying about fiction writing like I do, I would assume that you would at least have a bunch of papers stuck on your wall with scenes written on them. If you don't, I suggest you start making room for it. I call it my storyboard.

My storyboard consists of one giant paper taped on my wall written with a bunch of scenes for every chapter connected by arrows. It also has tiny Post Its with notes next to the scenes. That way I would know why I put the scene there in the first place. When I'm stuck after changing a scene, I write the changes in a Post It and replace it over the original. Then I would write a series of questions on tinier Post Its on why I decided to do that. One by one I try to answer the questions. Once I figure out the logic behind my decision I would tie the new scene to the next one based on my answers. It usually works for me since it is my novel, but I'm not really sure if it's for everyone.

So when things don't go as planned just stop and ask yourself why the new plan seems better. If you're really serious about your novel, you'll be able to answer your own questions easily. Why? Because it's your creation. Nobody knows your characters and the story more than you do, so getting past this obstacle isn't really that hard.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

In My Free Time

Since I'm not writing all the time. I spend most of my free time imagining scenes and researching about writing. I read at least one article a day until I can sum up the courage to sit in front of a blank page and start writing again.

When I get tired of doing that, I watch TV or go outside to have fun (I still got a life). If the weather isn't good, I spend my hours tweeting. It's good writing practice too. But most of the time I daydream about the story.

However, I did learn that writing is easily accomplished when there are no distractions, but since the internet is always an essential tool for me I can't simply get rid of it. But it's advisable to write without internet to avoid being dragged into procrastinating.

I think I've experienced my fair share of excuses when it came to writing, and it usually causes my writer's block. There's no better way to finish a story than actually writing it. If the story is still unclear, write notes or an outline. As long as you get it on paper or on your word processor it's great progress for your work. After a huge amount of hard work and discipline, you'll just realize you're writing or nearly finished.

I won't lie to you and say I don't worry about rules, grammar, and style when I'm writing. Most writers would say they just ignore it and tidy everything up later on, which is probably good advice. Just write your heart away, and make sure you have fun, because at the end of the day you'll remember that the reason why most of us started writing is because it's what we love to do.


Monday, February 14, 2011


I had recently convinced myself that I should keep a journal, a planner and a writer's database. I'm not really the most organized person you'll know but when I take my work seriously I do whatever it takes to keep in control. The reason for this is because I've recently read this guide on How to Write a Novel in 100 Days or Less (in which I can't find the working link anymore). There was a line there that implied that if I am a serious writer, I must write all the time.

It got me thinking that maybe what I was lacking was dedication to the written art. I asked myself, when was the last time I actually tried and read about writing? Creative writing classes are limited where I'm from and most of us rely on self-studying. The reason why my writing hasn't improved is because I never took time to improve it. I never studied to know what and what not to do. I rarely read books anymore, let alone take time to observe other writer's writing style.

From this day forward, I will take writing seriously. I had already written half of my novel and without proper guide I might end up rewriting the whole thing. So I will take note the steps I made in completing my novel once I am done and hopefully it would still turn out the way I planned. Who knows? It might get published someday.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Something to Say

Within my two weeks away from work, I was able to finish writing four chapters of my novel "The Hunger". It was fun and fulfilling, but as I wrote along it made me realize how unsatisfied I was with my writing style. It wasn't just about the plot and the way words flowed, it was my choice of words and how I presented everything that kept bothering me.

My writing style doesn't even meet average. It was like a child wrote it. And with that I am officially bored with everything. Nothing discourages me more than my own incompetence.
