Sunday, February 20, 2011

In My Free Time

Since I'm not writing all the time. I spend most of my free time imagining scenes and researching about writing. I read at least one article a day until I can sum up the courage to sit in front of a blank page and start writing again.

When I get tired of doing that, I watch TV or go outside to have fun (I still got a life). If the weather isn't good, I spend my hours tweeting. It's good writing practice too. But most of the time I daydream about the story.

However, I did learn that writing is easily accomplished when there are no distractions, but since the internet is always an essential tool for me I can't simply get rid of it. But it's advisable to write without internet to avoid being dragged into procrastinating.

I think I've experienced my fair share of excuses when it came to writing, and it usually causes my writer's block. There's no better way to finish a story than actually writing it. If the story is still unclear, write notes or an outline. As long as you get it on paper or on your word processor it's great progress for your work. After a huge amount of hard work and discipline, you'll just realize you're writing or nearly finished.

I won't lie to you and say I don't worry about rules, grammar, and style when I'm writing. Most writers would say they just ignore it and tidy everything up later on, which is probably good advice. Just write your heart away, and make sure you have fun, because at the end of the day you'll remember that the reason why most of us started writing is because it's what we love to do.



Anonymous said...

Aniah, you are right about the internet, I work at home (as a technical writer) and it can be a distraction, but it's also helpful as it keeps me in touch with the outside world.
And I totally agree about writing, i.e., just get words on paper and worry about the rest later. Very good advice.
Not sure about having a life outside of writing - do such things exist? I've heard about it, but never witnessed it. :)
Cheers, Mick