Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If You Don't Like Me Then So Be It

I'm not perfect. But who the hell is? I know there are people who I'll never get along with and will not like me for no reason. It's normal, and it's a part of life's challenges. The best way I always knew to handle such situations is to just ignore them. Let's face it, the world will always have bullies, and there will be people who think they are far better than you and will make sure that you know it.

I used to like fighting a lot. I was notorious for getting into fights ever since kindergarten, and I wasn't really proud of that--it wasn't ladylike. A few years ago, I decided to turn over a new leaf and actually tried to control my temper and thirst for conflicts. But you know what? Going on a more peaceful path didn't come without complications. It turns out when you stop being a bully, the tables turn and all the bad deeds you've planted will come back to haunt you somehow. After learning from my mistakes, I knew I had to set some boundaries that allowed me to avoid conflicts and also prevented people from pushing me around.

I do struggle to become a better person, but I don't do it to please everybody else. For those cynics who judge me just because I really enjoy being myself, you all must be so pretty damn perfect to think that I exist to simply entertain your twisted perception of how important you are than other people. Yes I hate those people, and I'm not very big on the forgiveness department. So if they really don't like me, so be it.

I'm not in a fight with anyone or anything. I'm just not feeling the bad attitude vibe I'm getting from some people, in case you're reading this mom.