I don't think anyone is sure where they are heading. They know where they want to be, but never sure if that's really where they would end up. Saturdays are one of those times when my brain completely gives up learning, because let's face it, Saturday is like the yellow traffic light of the weekend. I only had one class every Saturday, and it was one of those classes that could really kill your enthusiasm for learning not because of the subject being taught, but rather the long hours you have to spend being bombarded with information without being given enough time to process them.
I was, however, fortunate to have a professor that is very good with people. To be honest, the only people I know who treat others that well are those who built business empires from scratch, because those people know a lot of things, and one of those things is having an open mind about anyone and anything. I consider myself very lucky to have known and have a personal conversation with such a person. I've always wished to meet someone who could possibly mentor me on how to improve myself not just in what I do but also in different situations.
As I go on and live my life, I know, whether I like it not, I will meet new people that I have to deal with. I admit, even if I sometimes step outside my box of comfort, I still end the day coiling back into it. I'm working on that, and I'm proud of myself because I'm actually trying to get along with other people and I meet those who I could really learn from.
My professor was very perceptive when it came to life in general. I felt like a new person when I walked out of her office. But of course, a person doesn't change over one helpful conversation. It did, however, gave me a clearer picture of what's missing and what else I needed to learn. Sometimes I think I don't have the time to learn all of them, but the results will be utterly up to me.
Why aren't many people think the same way I do at my age? Aren't they curious? I've said this so many times in my blogs and journals: I've always felt different. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I sometimes wonder why everyone doesn't see things the way I do? There are a few exceptions but not so many.
After class, my professor, my friend Nova, and I talked from 3PM to 7:30PM, and for once in my life, I felt like someone in that school actually get me. I don't want to sound like a teen totally bugging about how school sucks, but after the day ended it seemed like she was the only person in that entire campus that's actually doing her job. Why can't the rest of the school be like her?
That unplanned and unexpected conversation gave me another challenge in life. The question is am I really up for it? I feel like all the challenges are piling up and I'm getting left behind.
Where art thou, My life's love?
13 years ago
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