I thought that starting a new a blog in Wordpress meant a new beginning for me. But I find myself coming back to this blog. I feel like I can express myself more here than in WP. I haven't even updated my new blog for some weeks now.
Anyway, I've recently come face to face with a new disappointment. I realized that no matter how optimistic you force yourself to be about everything, when life knocks you down, it still hurts. I don't like blaming anyone, but I do believe that our fate is decided based on our own decisions, then one thing leads to another and the consequences sometimes sneaks up on you. I know there's no point in sulking, so I just have to put a giant band-aid on that wound and move on. It is, however, frustrating to think that you're finally getting what you want and then it gets snatched up right under your nose.
I do wish to write here what happened, but I feel like it would dig me deeper into the mess I'm in. I'll figure out a way to get around this problem, and if that doesn't work, I have two options, either turn back, or destroy the obstacle with a wrecking ball.
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