I'm trying to research on the authenticity of easy automatic income, and I've chosen the web to start because almost everyone has access to it. I can count the people I know who doesn't have a Facebook account, so this experiment will utilize Facebook and another social networking site, Twitter. If this experiment becomes successful then it will generate income for both you and me, so keep reading.
So here's what I'm trying to prove. I want to prove if it's possible to make money work for you and not the other way around. My initial investment would be my computer. This is my asset, an income generating asset. There's really nothing difficult about this experiment. In fact, if you're viewing this blog, you're already part of it. Let me tell you how.
My site has a script that re-routes the viewer to an ad for 5 seconds. That automatically generates income for me. And if you click anywhere in my blog it will take you to another ad that you would view for another 5 seconds. But my income would depend on how many people would actually view and click on my blog, and that's really not enough to generate income big enough to fund my college tuition. This blog needs a high amount of visits to get me that kind of money.
But let me tell you this, my friend told me that she has a cousin that actually generates income from the same thing that's paying for her tuition plus more and it got me thinking. If you're a Korean drama and anime addict like me, then you must have visited some free streaming sites that has the same popout ads. That's probably what's getting them income. Traffic + clicks = $$$
But honestly, not everyone can create a streaming site like that without spending a few cash themselves. So here's what we're going to do. First you need either a Facebook account or a Twitter account or both. Then you need to sign up for this URL (website address) shrinker, by clicking the banner below.
Then all you have to do is whenever you have a link to share, shrink it first with this and anyone who clicks it on Facebook and Twitter will instantly earn you money. Also, please share this blog to other people to see if we can prove whether we can automatically generate income without trying. Thank you. ^_^
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