Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Less Emotion Is Good For The Brain

I realized that I was being completely emotional in my previous posts, that it sort of made me think that my emotions are damaging my brain. I forgot that my life used to be good when I don't think much about stuff I shouldn't really think about. It's like when a friend of yours tells you his hand stinks and you sniff it anyway just to make sure that it does. I know I need money and still I spend on useless junk. Foresee the obvious. Dodge obstacles whenever you can and enjoy life.

Of course, there are limits to enjoyment. Too much fun can make you feel like a bum. Productivity and pleasure must always be balanced, and there are ways to have both happen at the same time. Example: Blogging.

So what do we do when we have a problem? First of all, we shouldn't let it drag us down. We already know it's a problem why waste our time worrying? Second, think positively. Don't think of ways of solving your problems with the thought of hopelessness lingering at the back of your mind. Remember, we are avoiding being dragged down, because it will never help us. Third, Don't just rely on thinking. If you have thought of a plan and you've analyzed its chances of effectiviteness, go and execute it. Thinking alone cannot solve anything. And lastly, be brave. Problems that requires tough decisions are not easy to overcome. You must have courage in facing them. Avoid self-pity, it will make you feel worse about your situation and yourself.

As I've said life isn't without struggles. Overcoming problems may be easier said than done, but once you've prevailed all the hardships are worth it. Stop thinking too much about little things and stop being so emotional all the time, it's not good for the brain. You won't be able to think right, and you might regret its effects one day and you'll end up suffering more than you expect.